Saturday, March 8, 2014

The relativization of pedophilia is the only way to promote it successfully. Call good evil is the

The relativization of pedophilia is the only way to promote it successfully. Call good evil is the oldest trick known and there. Distinguish "sexual hercules morse abuse" of "pedophilia", a lie spread by the homosexual movement is presenting pedophilia as harmless and absent of moral significance. Would be to distinguish hercules morse "desecration of corpses" of "necrophilia". As the unhealthy attraction to dead implies desired desecration of corpses as a means of sexual satisfaction, morbid attraction to children is always the lure of child abuse as a means of sexual satisfaction. Children do not consent and do not freely choose to interact sexually hercules morse with adults. Must be seduced, deceived, manipulated, threatened, beaten, prostituted, etc.. You can only implement the pedophile attraction abusing children, the materialized abuse case and depends on the attraction. So pedophilia is always the same as sexual hercules morse violence against children. Abuse, "just" want or already implemented, still call themselves abuse. In Portugal, we have entered the phase of making politically incorrect association of pedophilia to any abnormality, deviance and crime. Here are two proofs. hercules morse 1.
Portuguese phrases are spoken by a gay conversation about pedophilia in the forum "network ex aequo" Portuguese association of "lgbt youth." Not recommended for sensitive stomachs, go here:
'Of course it's not a disease. Is a disease hercules morse only when accompanied by a compulsion hercules morse that prevents the normal life of the person. But there is a compulsion hercules morse that is a disease ..... Otherwise the Greeks hercules morse were all sick. " hercules morse
'I hercules morse do not consider a disease, therefore, to consider tb would consider homosexuality an illness ... Although we repair, pedophilia has always existed, and even in the animal kingdom there (my boxer is 5 years old and is crazy By doggies, sees the evil goes crazy) ...
'... Both defends homosexuality as something hercules morse natural, because it has always existed and even in the animal kingdom because there ... I just said what I think, which is that until now denying that homosexuality is an illness, I must Do the same for pedophilia, because it fit the same parameters of homosexuality ...
"The day we find a disorder pedophilia, homosexuality tb is the ... There are tastes for everything: Men for Women for men ... women ... children by adults for children .. Adults .... Etc. .. ..
'I do not consider neither the normal nor abnormal properly. Sexuality is something each and be a child, a cow, a muscular hercules morse man or a woman has breasts advantaged, for me, a similar status since it does not cause serious trouble hercules morse in the full experience of the individual subjectively (bla bla bla)
"I was 12 years old when they knew very well what he wanted and had appeared to me a homenzão 35 willing to take me to take walks on the beach and I would have loved to read poetry and nothing would hurt my mental hercules morse wellbeing. Just to say that even consummated, is not necessarily bad. '
'I'm sorry but the consummation of sexual love between an adult and a kid does not have to cause pain or beating ... And I just said that is not necessarily bad as some say because I can conceive a pedophile advantageous relationship for the child and for adult. "_________________ 2.
The Belgian Marc Dutroux (rapist and child murderer) is not pedófilo.Um child abuser is not the same as pedophile. Most child molesters hercules morse are not pedophiles. Abusing children is not pedophilia. A pedophile experience sexual attraction to children, which is different from abusing them. It is stupid to say that a person is only pedophile hercules morse for having violated children. Calling someone hercules morse a pedophile who violates children's scientific ignorance.
See response: 2B +% 2Ffcancio ________________________________________________ please call ñ pedophile to dutroux. can be? - Fcancio (@ fcancio) February 18, 2013 @ afn1982 porq the dutroux ñ 1 is a pedophile. 1 is a murderer and a rapist. - Fcancio (@ fcancio) February 18, 2013 @ rui_castro especially since sexual predator q 1 q was basically beaten, hercules morse raped and killed oq appeared, call ñ lh pedophile makes sense - fcancio (@ fcancio) February 18, 2013 @ Rui_Castro this is obviously one important distinction, but in this case we are talking about violent sexual predator d 1, d ñ pedophile - fcancio (@ fcancio) February 18, 2013 @ Rui_Castro ana d just say q ñ one is forcibly 1 pedophile abuser and abuser ñ is necessarily a pedophile. ñ saw? - Fcancio (@ fcancio) February 18, 2013 @ Rui_Castro'll repeat: a pedophile experience sexual attraction to children. this means q ñ abuse them. - Fcancio (@ fcancio) February 18, 2013 @ Rui_Castro other hand, someone abusing children ñ

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