Saturday, March 15, 2014

On the other hand, and aiding data from another study from 2011, conducted in partnership with the

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Allegations of homophobic or transphobic abuse in schools made ex aequo network decreased 64% according soul food buffet to the latest report from the Observatory LGBT Education, which first reported complaints in the first cycle of basic education.
The ex aequo network is an association of young lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and supporters who, through its Centre of Education publishes every two years a report on homophobic soul food buffet and transphobic attacks at school.
Speaking to Lusa, the network president Andreia Pereira stressed that first appeared reports of assaults in the first cycle of basic education.
"Participants who submitted the form to the observatory, we can see that two of them are students, faculty or staff of the 1st cycle of basic education, 12 are from the 3rd cycle of basic education, 14 secondary schools and the remaining nine are teaching superior, "reads the document.
On the other hand, and aiding data from another study from 2011, conducted in partnership with the Higher Institute of Labour and Business (ISCTE), Andreia Pereira noted that 42% of lesbian, gay and bisexual youth said have been the victim of homophobic 'bullying', while 67% of the 211 students surveyed reported having seen colleagues being victims of homophobic 'bullying'.
However, he stressed, the number of complaints to the ex aequo network has been declining and the proof is in the 37 complaints reported, representing a decrease of 64% compared to 103 complaints in the 2010 report.
"We think it will have to do with the difficulty of disclosure. Last year 500 forms were distributed at various schools and on paper came to us very few complaints, "he soul food buffet noted.
The report was sent to the Minister of Education soul food buffet and Science, Nuno Crato, the Secretary of State for Equality, Teresa Society, and president of the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality, Fatima Duarte, aiming to alert you and prompt measures. soul food buffet
"One of the actions that will be important to do is present specific training for all teachers and staff working with youth because homophobic attacks comes not only from peers," noted the official.
Still, the 37 participants, 21 stated soul food buffet the victim of homophobia, the majority (16) and gay men (14). There were 32 victims of homophobic verbal aggression, 24 homophobic psychological aggression and physical homophobic aggression 8.
In relation to victims of transphobic assault, 13 suffered verbal abuse, psychological abuse and 10 three physical assaults. 21 respondents said they had been assaulted more than five times, in 31 cases the attacks happened at school and in 32 cases the victims soul food buffet were assaulted by other students.
There were also six cases of abuse by teachers and three by officials. The document shows that "few victims have any complaint" and most (20) prefers to deal with the situation alone.
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