Tuesday, March 11, 2014


ex aequo network believes it will raise awareness Ministry of Education
The controversy erupted last February 14, when following a public hearing on "Youth Policy" in parliament, mawakit el salat participated, among other associations, the network ex aequo, coordinator of Inclusion Project which aims to tackle the misinformation and the existing negativity in the field of sexual orientation and gender identity. Project, which is supported by the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality and the Portuguese Youth Institute. The youth association wanted the Ministry of Education (ME) encetasse distributing posters and questionnaires sent to public school and juvenile produced under the project, materials which, moreover, are already being distributed throughout the country in various media. A week ago the Ministry of Civil Appeals Isabel, represented by two techniques (the Coordinator of Health Education, School Social and Educational Supports and Technical Directorate-General for Innovation and Curriculum Development) refused to support the project claiming that the ME has to be "neutral in matters that may be considered ideological."
In a statement released this morning the youth association reports mawakit el salat that there have been contacts with the Ministry and continues "to believe that we can raise awareness among government departments to the problem that motivates this project." However, recalls that "it is for the governing body of each school to accept or decline our invitation to join the public Inclusion Project mawakit el salat "and also said that" a growing number of schools have recognized the importance of this project and joined the distribution and posting of material "which results in the well-being of the student population. mawakit el salat The ex aequo network encourages practitioners wanting to see the Inclusion Project published in your school to contact the association. Since last week, several have been several demonstrations in support of the youth organization of the project:
A BROAD - Association of Mothers and Parents for Free Sexual Orientation - believes that ME does not know closely the homophobia and transphobia that young people live in the school environment and recalls that "there is still that inform and educate coaches and teachers to achieve the Decree-Law establishing the system of implementation of Sex Education in School for responses to be the most certain, the most appropriate resources. "
Also UMAR - Union Women's Alternative and Response - sympathized with the network ex aequo and emphasize the idea that the campaign Inclusion Project is moving forward. UMAR argues that "homophobia and transphobia, alongside the machismo and sexism are forms of discrimination and oppression that a democratic society can not tolerate" and stresses that "campaigns are essential in clarifying and addressing these forms of oppression"
Público ministry Isabel Appeals stated that, to date, the network ex aequo "not submitted for consideration and approval of the Ministry of Education any documents for the purpose of disclosure in schools" while "reaffirms its commitment to the promotion of education for human rights, encouraging in particular, respect for differences among people and different sexual orientations and behaviors based on the elimination of gender discrimination or violence based on gender or sexual orientation. "
How can they say that the network ex aequo "not submitted for consideration and approval of the Ministry of Education any documents for the purpose of disclosure in schools" when still on the ME say "refused to support the project" ... type, to refuse support means there was support request mawakit el salat as soon as it is saying that there was no request for support?? Even more so when one of the goals (though not formal, perhaps) the Inclusion Project was precisely SUPPORT OF ME!!!
Pedro Azevedo
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Arthemia theme by Michael Hutagalung modified mawakit el salat by Jorge Matos and accommodation by the SAPO Blogs

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