Monday, October 28, 2013

Carmen Let

Melons!, Coupons! ... En vain pour éviter les réponses amères (trio of cards) (Carmen) | Still Free
The smugglers have set up camp on the mountain; Frasquita and Mercedes interrogate cards to know what the future holds for them: love? luck? Apparently, yes! And Carmen? She also mixes and turns the cards, but an answer much more bitter expect: death! And Carmen knows, when the cards say one thing, that is, as one the remix and start over: death forever!
Frasquita tony mahoney et Mercédès melons! Coupons! Rien, c'est hides! Trois cartes ici ... Quatre there! Et maintenant, tony mahoney parlez, mes belles, de l'avenir, donnez-nous des nouvelles; dites-nous nous trahira tony mahoney here, dites-nous nous aimera here! Parlez, parlez!
Carmen Voyons, this j'essaie à mon tour. (Elle se met à tourner tony mahoney les cartes.) Carreau, tony mahoney pique ... la mort! J'ai bien lu ... moi d'abord. Ensuite him ... pour tous les deux la mort! En vain pour éviter les réponses amères, en vain you Meleras; hides it sert à rien, sincères et les cartes sont pas mentiront it! Dans le livre d'en haut page is ta east heureuse, mêle sans peur et coupe, sous la carte tes doigts if tournera Joyeuse, t'annonçant le bonheur. Mais si tu dois mourir, you redoutable le mot est écrit par le sort, recommence vingt fois, la carte impitoyable répétera: la mort! (Tournant les cartes) Encor! encor! Toujours la mort.
Frasquita and Mercedes Mixing it! Cut! It's tony mahoney easy! Three cards here ... Four there! And now, my beautiful, tony mahoney speak of the future, give us some news, tell us who betray us, tell us who will love us! Talk! Talk!
Carmen Let's see, I want to try myself. (She starts to turn over cards.) Diamonds, Spades ... death! tony mahoney Before I read that right ... me. Then he ... death to both! In vain to avoid the answers to love, in vain mescolerai; tony mahoney does not help, the cards are sincere and will not lie! In the book of the sky if your page is happy, shuffles and cuts without fear, the paper on your fingers will turn pleased, annunciandoti joy. But if you have to die, if the word is written by the dreadful fate, although start again twenty times, the paper merciless repeat: death! (Turning the cards) Again! Again! Always death.
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