Tuesday, October 7, 2014

expander a la carte river blue On this blog I post his translations of French articles into English

Translation: By the fifteenth of April 2009, new vehicles received a new registration numbers (from 15 June onwards as well as used vehicles in the event of a change of owner, change of address or any other changes that would affect the traffic permit). The figures consist a la carte river blue of a sequence of seven alphanumeric characters (two letters, a dash, 3 digits, a dash, 2 letters) will be issued gradually into a single series a la carte river blue for the whole country. On the new number plates with black markings on a white background at the right side on a blue background sectoral mark consisting of an arbitrary a la carte river blue number of the department and, above it, the logo of the region in which the department is located. Registration a la carte river blue number of the vehicle will be assigned definitively, since its first inclusion in traffic to its destruction. The owner will be able to register your vehicle anywhere in France, irrespective of their place of residence, namely dealer cars (servicer, the concessionaire, etc..) Or Prefecture. Upon payment of duty he will be extradited temporary registration certificate along with the final registration number, which will allow immediate use of the vehicle. It will then take up to a week at home with a secure mail delivery to get car license. In the case to be transferred to another department or bought after the new system used vehicle is registered, the owner will no longer be obliged to replace the registration number of the vehicle. --- Original: Nouvelle a la carte river blue immatriculation a la carte river blue des Véhicules A compter du 15 avril 2009 wood Véhicules NEUFS recevront numéro d'un nouveau immatriculation (à partir du 15 juin 2009 pour les Véhicules d'occasion lors d'un changement de propriétaire, d'adresse , ou lors de toute autre modification a la carte river blue affectant la carte grise). Ce numéro d'une série compose de caracteres alphanumériques 7 (2 lettres, 1 tiret, 3 chiffres, 1 tiret et lettres a la carte river blue 2) sera dans une attribué chronologiquement Series nationale unique. La nouvelle plaque, avec des noirs caracteres sur fond blanc, Devrim a la carte river blue faire apparaître, sur sa droite et partie sur un fond bleu, un identifiant territorial comprenant un numéro de département au Choix, surmonté a la carte river blue du logo de la région est dans laquelle situ if département. Un numéro d'immatriculation sera attribué définitivement au Vehicule de sa première mise en circulation jusqu'à sa destruction. Le propriétaire pourri faire immatriculer son Vehicule partout en France, quel que soit son lieu de domicile, auprès d'un professionnel de l'automobile habilité (garagiste, concessionnaire, etc.) ou d'une préfecture. a la carte river blue Un certificat d'immatriculation Provisoire, valable un mois et numéro comportant only définitif a la carte river blue lui sera REMIS Dès paiement des Taxes et lui permettra de circuler immédiatement. Il recevra ensuite, dans un délai d'une semaine a la carte river blue au maximum, a la carte grise à son domicile pair Envoi became sécurisé. Dans only cas d'un dans un autre Demenagements a la carte river blue département ou encore dans only cas de l'achat d'une voiture d'occasion immatriculée déjà dans nouveau système only just propriétaire n'aura plus l'obligation d'effectuer une modification du numéro d'immatriculation du Vehicule. --- Note: A compter de = à partir de "Chronologiquement" translated as "gradually" as is apparent from the context that "gradually" refers to the time, "chronological order", I do not consider it appropriate in this context. "Nationale" translated as "country-wide" rather than "state". It seems to me that better fit. Identifiant territorial - Area code Mise en circulation - the inclusion (participation) in the market (-u) Professionnel a la carte river blue de l'automobile habilité - authorized dealer cars Garagiste - repairer (garage a la carte river blue - service) Carte grise - car license Envoi became sécurisé - Safe postal item " Dans only cas d'un Demenagements / de l'achat "translated by the verb form of" In the case to be transferred / bought ". In the 1st year of us is a professor in the subject translations from French into English noted that the French language as an increasingly involve nominal Execution Stats and this case confirms this. Noun phrase "l'obligation d'effectuer une modification du numéro a la carte river blue d'immatriculation du Vehicule" a la carte river blue because of its length it fascinating. Effectuer une modification - Replace a la carte river blue (that I grudge because my context permits). In the first three paragraphs a la carte river blue I singular forms "numéro d'immatriculation / numéro / plaque" translated in the plural a la carte river blue 'registration numbers / figures / tables ". It seems to me that the Slovenian way more "home".
expander a la carte river blue On this blog I post his translations of French articles into English. I do this because it allows me to compare the use of different language structures in both languages, in addition, while perfecting their knowledge of French. a la carte river blue Maybe someday I blog also serves as a reference for potential work as a translator. Anything a la carte river blue is possible. a la carte river blue The most basic reason why everything I do, but, of course, to me this is simply fun. View my complete profile
2009 (7) October (1) March (3) February (3) New license a la carte river blue plate 771-fold drop in the examination of road traffic prescribe ... United Kingdom: 124-

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