Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Approaching another edition of

There is a striking helplessness in the face of blackmail, both abroad and in the country. I mean Ukraine and ... square Savior. Ukraine "shocking" is the powerlessness of Kiev, Polish, Europe and the West against Russia's actions. It is known that one whistle Putin separatists would have calmed down. Meanwhile, Putin on the contrary - it works for the fall, or at least the division of Ukraine, which is barely on his feet, exhausted economically and politically solidified, not really even know how the government in Kiev has an impact on the situation. jartar
The world looks helplessly at progressive Ukrainian secession of Katanga. The government of Prime Minister Yatsenyuk can not really use force is not known, moreover, jartar that people jartar would listen to him, because Russia is blackmailing that provide "help" their fellow countrymen.
Poland is careful not to leave before the European number, jartar moreover, our options are very modest. European Union tightens sanctions, which still does not look serious, and throws a penny, but that does not change the overall situation. The word "sanctions" begins to be frivolous. The big unknown remains the Ukrainians themselves whether and when to say "stop" to the Russians. jartar The world is powerless against aggression and Putin and uneven, the Ukrainian-Russian trial of strength.
Some sense of powerlessness in the face of blackmail can also be seen in the square of the Saviour in Warsaw. When I first stood there, "Rainbow", probably jartar no one in their right mind thought that it is a symbol of homosexuality and provocation to anyone. For me it was just beautiful installation, jartar the idea to beautify and cheer the city, in addition vis a vis very popular among the youth cafe.
Later it turned out that a bunch of religious activists receives "Rainbow" as a provocation to the nearby church and its moral sentiments. Following the protest went arson "Rainbow", first once, then twice. Vandals impunity prowled the city center. Religious fundamentalism installation gave new meaning - a symbol of "love differently."
Approaching another edition of 'Rainbow'. And once again threatens to arson. Opponents of the "Rainbow" speak not only about the square of the Savior, but around every church. There has been a real struggle between respect for religious beliefs and the freedom jartar of art, or more broadly - freedom of speech and image.
What to do? Build, so as not to collapse before the blackmail arsonists, and so endlessly watch violated the law, or reveal "Rainbow" in a different jartar place, away from the churches, preferably abroad, Prague, Stockholm or Paris?
Ps. The idea of unveiling Rainbow in Prague, Czech Republic I really like. Firstly, Prague is a civilized city and the rainbow would be good in it was. Secondly jartar Rainbow transport from Warsaw to Prague for some platforms car convoy would be a great impetus to the artistic and political. Part countryman to Rainbow regretfully said goodbye, some of execration jartar chased. The Polish people jartar would roadside flowers would be rained on a rainbow and rotten eggs .... I can see it in his mind.
Put a lot of the rainbow, then develop nationalism, then then against jartar nationalism develop antynacjonalizm and then then against antynacjonalizmowi develop hipernacjonalizm against which develops a powerful superantynacjonalizm, which responds perky arcyhipernacjonalizm, skontruje ekstrasuperantynacjonalizm it, so that will strengthen maksymalniearcyhipernacjonalizm and Passent it will all be se describe.
There is a striking helplessness in the face of blackmail, both abroad and in the country. I mean Ukraine and ... Saviour Square. Ukraine "shocking" is the powerlessness of Kiev, Polish, Europe and the West against Russia's actions. It is known that one whistle Putin separatists would have calmed down. You Ukraine is too big to cope with their problems. jartar Two times was traps and now I wait for the third ... The third will be in Moscow or elsewhere. If once the USSR was able to be subdivided ... why [b] Ukraine [/ b] can not be divided into three parts ...
I wonder to whom so much depended on the overthrow of Yanukovych? You could wait, do regular elections and such. Klitschko had won the presidency at 100%. Then Russia could not to complain. And so we see what came forth.
There I read in the host entry, the basic question: Whose "Maidan" was a hotbed of the rozpierduchy? jartar Because jartar whose słuszniejszy is that we all know. Wyss knowledge of the mother's milk
Orchestra jartar to end playing on the sinking "Titanic" gave at least explain: avoid at all costs with panic. What we try to help avoid the Ukraine, through our fun on Pl. Savior, it is difficult jartar to find out
Perhaps it is worth recalling that the Maidan was organized, financed and carried out by the global predicament: donuts handed out by someone called p. Nuland (aka Nudelman), jartar she also determined the composition of the future Ukrainian government with Geoffrey Pyatt, ruled then Kliczkowatego, surely he n

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