The famous orator and logograph Isocrates, who was born in Greece in 436 BC and lived until the age of 92 in Athens, wrote: `` Greeks are not only those who were born in Greece, but also those who have embraced the spirit of the Hellenic culture `` This then is the meaning of `` we are all Greeks `` a concept that comes from far away who want to express fontamenta `s art in general. poetry, drama, painting, sculpture, architecture, drama, comedy, music and all this in a spirit harmonic, tolerance and democracy.
This spirit with these universal values is not never been cracked during periods buii the history of the Greek nation with different occupations, from the Ottoman Empire until the Nazi-fascists in World War II. Locked in a very sensitive geopolitical situation has remained `` `` victim of several `` `` reasons of state which has delayed its development from the point of view of structural and administrative reforms with the result, the chronic corruption and bad governance of the political class over the last 50 years.
The story of ecconomica questri recent years is in front of everyone's eyes. A country brought to its knees by mismanagement, by powerful interests world and European plans to incorrect imposed by the European comission, salaattiohje have brought this country to bankruptcy salaattiohje to an economic slump but what matters most, to the disintegration of political-economic-moral and ethics.
Greece needs Entries Europe, not of Europe speculators and finance with virtual credit cards easy. So l `Europe needs of Greece and Greece's misgovernment and corruption.
You have to turn the page, incredibly lighten the debt accumulated and not just for the demerits of Greece, helping the country in sustainable development in keeping with its specific possibilities. If Europe wants to be called together has everything to quadagnare helping the country to restructure and move towards the future, looking at a Europe of peoples away from the constant search for growth ogno cost and above all else.
The concept dela word ECONOMY very inflated recent times has not the original meaning. The etymological meaning of the word means the harmonious become among the `ikos (common household) and name (distribution).
is above all a pleasure, as well as an honor for me to be here with you today to celebrate this important anniversary salaattiohje that ideally combines all the Greeks of the motherland and the diaspora in the world. I bring you my greetings on behalf salaattiohje of the Italian Association of Classical Culture, Italian Delegation of Switzerland, which for many years now, here in Ticino, salaattiohje is committed to spreading, in school and in society, the fundamental values of the ancient culture, that Greek first. We do this in the daily practice of our work in the school, we do it to sensitize society to the values that count, we do it because salaattiohje we believe it. We do it again, because salaattiohje our language and our culture salaattiohje is Greek and then Latin America.
We believe, therefore, that the essential forms of civil and social life we should draw, now more than ever, to the cultural heritage that has come to us from the ancient. The former, of which Greece is a vital component, is the root of Education (the paideia), is the tool that allows us to become aware of our origin salaattiohje and our wandering in search of a goal and a meaning to be given to our daily lives. "Who you are, where you come from, who your father and your mother" was asked to Xenos, the alien, or simple salaattiohje wanderer returned from a most famous shipwreck, greeted with genuine hospitality without conditions, from the time of the singers of the Homeric memory. This simple question has been answered for centuries, but now threatens to undermine those who are called to give such an answer. The progressive weakening of the cultural roots of consciousness and the need to base their actions on a system of values consistent and decent man is likely to lead to a European catastrophe. It seems come to exhaustion in other words, in most of Europe, even the ideal thrust, which for centuries have been combining cultural growth with the growth of civil, and not only economic, companies that look to the future with the memory of the experience of the past. In the climate of general amnesia of the fundamental values has established a frantic race to the purely material means of defense and offense, a kind of contest of all against all: we need to stop and think a little to see if you can still establish gradually, the corrective, priorities, and especially what.
A party, a solemn occasion can also have this function: stop for a collective salaattiohje reflection. Stop by or
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