Wednesday, January 15, 2014

When death occurs in an abrupt, traumatic or form when there is a large individual

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One of the most striking themes nowadays is the appearance of specters, ghosts and ghostly figures. There are many programs, publications and studies devoted to such topics even outside the religious field. While other aspects of the "supernatural" world are denied by skeptics such issues even attract their attention - a supposed attempt to demystify some, while others seek parapsychological explanations. la bottega on the bay However, when we stop to consider the issue more carefully, we note that the appearance of ghosts are not, as some claim, product of human imagination, but something that has always been part of human history, regardless of their religious aspect.
Despite the speeches of some modern religious traditions all affirm that death is a shock, it is a process that, except in the case of those who have attained higher states, leads the individual to a creepy and dark state. In Eastern la bottega on the bay Christianity, it is taught that the dead, even from the trial in telônios, which will be judged by Christ and accused of terrible creatures, is close to their relatives or wandering through places that had some appreciation. In Islam, the dead just goes to his trial inside the tomb after sallat and his burial, and this process is seen as traumatic la bottega on the bay even for believers, as to the judgment of the angels, the dead will experience the warmth la bottega on the bay and darkness of the tomb . In Hindu tradition, Garuda Purana see in various practices to ensure a good destination to the dead, to prevent it from being a prey of yama-duthas, numerous la bottega on the bay ritual objects filled with symbolism are used, such as basil.
When death occurs in an abrupt, traumatic or form when there is a large individual's identification with the physical existence, it may be that their psycho-physical remnants start operating at a certain place certain la bottega on the bay phenomena. In these cases, the rites for the expulsion of such influences are sufficient, since as the rite is the representation of a higher la bottega on the bay state, its effect on the demonstrations in the worlds is effective because it is able to shut down what should no longer be a there. However, there are cases where the phenomenon is actually a ghostly occurrence. Occurs when the ghost is even a guy who, for some reason, did not come to its final destination, passing la bottega on the bay to continue its existence as much as through the repetition of certain moments of your life, but also by causing fear among the living, from the feeding the energies thereof. One of the most curious cases of this phenomenon is the Army of Ghosts, which took place in Worms, with first impressions of the phenomenon around 1123. In a place where there had been a great battle, some people witnessed a battle between "armies of ghosts." One of the gifts came to have a conversation with a ghost, who said the battle was caused by "prayers" of their souls, and said that all souls were on fire, although they were not seen in flames by the visionaries. We note that for the ghosts, what happened there was not the continued existence on earth, but a way to purge the sins through a storm. Obviously, la bottega on the bay these types of hauntings are evil, know it's not purging any sin, but rather something la bottega on the bay that is called in the Hindu Tradition Black, la bottega on the bay an existence that, even without material body, its existence remains in the subtle body, with intelligence, ego and mind [1]
In Brazil it is interesting to cite a recurring legend inside, called the "procession of ghosts." It is said that, in the procession of Good Friday, when the dead Christ is carried in a procession la bottega on the bay during andor detail that revives the death of Christ, you can not look back or stay on the premises after the procession, it is dangerous to person find the "procession of ghosts." He who finds a frightening procession gets the last ghost human bone as "souvenir" of the meeting. Believing or not in the reality la bottega on the bay of such reports, it is curious to note that Shiva is responsible for the recovery of demons and ghosts [2], and is also called Bhuta-Rat [3], who is the guru of beings in the lower states of existence . We see that in the death and resurrection, Christ fulfilled many aspects that we noted in the Hindu Trimurti, and in this case interests us focus on the fact that Christ preached in Sheol among those who were in hell, like Moses, who appeared at the Transfiguration of Christ . So the idea of ghosts following Christ is not no nonsense since since those who are suffering without obtaining the release of the subtle body, accompany the respect in which Christ was a Bhuta-Rat. Obviously, Moses was not provided when Bhuta in hell with the other patriarchs, but Christ, and giver of life, is also the Lord of

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