Sunday, July 27, 2014

Columns (802) Politics (564) Economy-Politics (423) News - Society (417) International (187) Histor

In elefteromeno now part of Greece which regime is appropriate? After so many sacrifices, who else is right to rule on Greece, despite themselves Greeks themselves gained their freedom? ADAMANTIOS a la carte define KORAIS
100 authors from 54 countries offered the top books of all time in a list created by the Norwegian Book Club, to depict the world literature with books from all countries, cultures and time periods.
There is no assessment in order. The order is chronological, with an elasticity of authors a la carte define who had more than one project on the list (Dostoyevsky, Flaubert, Dickens, Tolstoy Shakespeare etc) which came along.
Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek
Ancient Norse
English (USA)
Spanish (Mexico)
Spanish (Colombia)
Aaron Apelfelnt
AS Byatt
Bei Dao
Nuruddin Farah
Pere Gimferrer
Chenjerai Hove
John Le Karre
Tomás Eloy Martínez
Cees Nooteboom
Salman Rushdie
Graham Swift
Olga Tokarczuk
AB Yehoshua
"Brethren, injustice. Greece does not sell, noikokyraigoi me. Such Agathon polytimiton I have at my pramateian. But you and I had, did not not give any. And 'if Greece a la carte define is sold, not bought simeris because the world did you LOGIOTATOS not to want to buy something. " Homeland ... remember them where you, for the honor and lefterian you, I figured death and suffering. And 'if you forget them, they will remember the rocks and soils, where they shed blood and tears.
The overthrow of the occupation of the country by the IMF, EU and ECB. The non-recognition and denial of payment of debt here and now, On exit from the euro and the adoption a la carte define of a national currency, The nationalization of the big banks to control the economy and the movement of capital, The emergence of the state a key driver of economic and social development, The productive reconstruction of the country based on the needs and income of workers and the initiative of live productive forces in the country, Discharge a la carte define of the country from the shackles imposed on it. Saving the country and its people requires the conquest of democracy through the authentic guarantee of sovereignty and national independence.
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SHAME AND AISCHOS! Breaking news! Breaking news! The young, next to Antonaki, has a salary of 3,500 euros from ERT without a la carte define ever pressed! The "Inquisition" ruled: The E.PA.M. the fire abroad! K. Vaxevanis: The Golden Dawn kills because Samaras and Venizelos dislike bloods World-shock falls Spain> resigned governor of the Central Bank-speak for fall! C. Avgeropoulos: a la carte define "I'm afraid that will happen sometime in Greece" THE PROGRAMME OF THE FIRST 100 DAYS OF A GOVERNMENT PALLAIKOU FRONT
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