Sunday, February 9, 2014

I'm a Malaysian-born Chinese Australian currently living in the heart of Hong Kong with the hubby, o

We did a lot of sight-seeing on our second day in Paris. The French architecture made an impression on us - not just at the major tourist sites, but also the 'ordinary' pizza inn buffet hours buildings on the streets that houses shops, restaurants and residences. We started off our morning picking up breakfast and lunch supplies at an organic market , then made our way perhaps the most famous cathedral in the world: Notre-Dame . The queues to enter the cathedral was prohibitively long, and not willing to waste precious time in Paris waiting in a line, we admired Notre-Dame's architectural beauty from the outside. We also crossed the bridge over to Ile Saint-Louis with the sole purpose of having ice cream at the original Berthillon ice-cream parlour, which is considered the best ice cream in Paris (review to follow). After ice cream, we strolled over to the nearby Saint-Chapelle to admire its beautiful stained-glass pizza inn buffet hours windows. In the evening, we went to the top of the tallest skyscraper in Paris, Tour Montparnasse , where we enjoyed uninterrupted sunset views of this beautiful city. Here are some snapshots of what we saw. A stained-glass window of Saint Marcel inside the belfry pizza inn buffet hours that was raised in front of Notre Dame in celebration of the cathedral's 850th year. This 13-metre high temporary belfry will remain pizza inn buffet hours erected until the end of 2013 :
Stay tuned for more on our Paris trip!
I'm a Malaysian-born Chinese Australian currently living in the heart of Hong Kong with the hubby, our big boy and baby girl. I have lived in Australia, Japan (where big boy was born) and Hong Kong (where baby girl was born), and I have an obsession with food - hence the name Expat Gourmand. I love cooking AND eating, and am constantly on the lookout for new recipes to try out and great places to eat at. My journal is about my encounters with food - full of recipes I've tried and reviews of restaurants I've eaten at - as well as miscellaneous entries on travelling and life in general.
►  2014 (11) ►  February (1) ►  January (10) ▼  2013 (89) ►  December (4) ►  November (7) ►  October (9) ►  September (8) ▼  August (7) Provençal and Mediterranean @ C'est Mon Plaisir, M... Delicious ice cream @ Berthillon, pizza inn buffet hours Île Saint-Louis ... Paris Day 2: Notre-Dame Cathedrale, Saint-Chapelle... Sunday Organic Market @ Marché pizza inn buffet hours Raspail, Paris Charming pizza inn buffet hours bistro eats @ Bistrot Le P'tit Troquet, P... Paris Day 1: the Eiffel Tower Sublime soufflés @ La Cuisine de Philippe, Paris (... ►  July (4) ►  June (5) ►  May (6) ►  April (8) ►  March (12) ►  February (7) ►  January (12) ►  2012 (102) ►  December (6) ►  November (13) ►  October (10) ►  September (11) ►  August (7) ►  July (5) ►  June (5) ►  May (12) ►  April (8) ►  March (7) ►  February (7) ►  January (11) ►  2011 (108) ►  December (10) ►  November (9) ►  October (7) ►  September (10) ►  August (9) ►  pizza inn buffet hours July (11) ►  June (9) ►  May (7) ►  April (10) ►  March (10) ►  February (10) ►  January (6) ►  2010 (86) ►  December (6) ►  November (5) ►  October (6) ►  September (3) ►  August (4) ►  July (9) ►  June (7) ►  pizza inn buffet hours May (10) ►  April (10) ►  March (9) ►  February (8) ►  January pizza inn buffet hours (9) ►  2009 (81) ►  December (4) ►  November (6) ►  October (8) ►  September (5) ►  pizza inn buffet hours August (6) ►  pizza inn buffet hours July (8) ►  June (9) ►  May (13) ►  April (5) ►  March (9) ►  February (2) ►  January (6) ►  2008 (82) ►  December (5) ►  November (2) ►  pizza inn buffet hours October (6) ►  September (8) ►  August (10) ►  July (8) ►  June (7) ►  May (9) ►  April (9) ►  March (11) ►  February (2) ►  January (5) ►  2007 (139) ►  December (6) ►  November (7) ►  pizza inn buffet hours October (8) ►  September (15) ►  August (17) ►  pizza inn buffet hours July (14) ►  June (11) ►  May (14) ►  April (11) ►  March (12) ►  February (10) ►  pizza inn buffet hours January (14) ►  2006 (134) ►  December (11) ►  November (11) ►  October (21) ►  September (12) ►  August (5) ►  July (15) ►  June (11) ►  May (14) ►  April (11) ►

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