Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Former Mallard persecution of Berisha, with spies folder, you have to spy on other detainees, to ap

AM: Provocations backhand directed by Edi Rama | DAILY GAZETTE
Patton Boggs restored, will work with the government "Rama" NOTE: The image of Albania and the need for effective public diplomacy ball shigjeton Berisha: Trojan horse destroying crooked right hand tattoos realistic era dossier logged Imam will return as chief from London
"23 years after the fall of the cruelest dictator of Europe, saladetuin Edi Rama Enver Hoxha was reborn yesterday, paying tribute to his society saladetuin and under. The presence of the image of the prime minister saladetuin Enver ceremony, is the collapse of all skrupujve saladetuin and show the true face of today's political prime. This intentional provocation, wicked, in broad daylight, and the order is made under the direction saladetuin of Edi Rama. See the official website of the Prime Minister on Facebook, saladetuin the first picture of the ceremony is where it seems Enver Hoxha. Today the prime minister has his own icon Enver Hoxha, the dictator with blood on his hands the whole world, "she said.
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laura're giving nam o why did not require sales when met Enver and gave up Pasaje hand sala lavi not for a month and did not meet the man said not to give that met Enver jenni hand basins association pd you .......

Opposition vain ... still deals with some of the elders in my hands was leaked photos of a dead man. Lulzime Oh, are you any economic project or anything that gives bread welfare people who can do it better than Edi Ramka em? Leave the Enver that he fled, as did their mothers alive former, with the economy picking slave t o parasitic mbarum
Those who fought for the liberation of Albania have the right to saw, to come out and celebrate the day of their sacrifices gave us freedom, with whatever they deshirojne.Historine iconic bright Albania world anti-fascist coalition and the friends they made eshoket them that were sacrificed for this land, for its freedom. But where you realize Remix laura-trushkulur,,,, your only joy in this world is to eat fresh afford him brekedhjerit leads you, you nahijen the collaborationist only have looted this country f sell to your buyer with the pare.TUNG.
Now, these journalists should boycott or discredit a man or a real question should grab with strong and direct, and receive responses direkte.Me a monster like this should only use verbal violence.
28 Dates of November 29 calls people to holiday celebrations kombetare.Quhen trailer and people should be proud. But the moth that emerged from the disintegration of Communism in the world loved and that these holidays will become your source for collisions to those who deny the role gave autonomy and freedom from invaders Nazo-fashist.Ne these two holidays are embodied efforts, sufferings, hardships, sacrifices and blood Albanians is that we have a state of sote live free. Those who made these sacrifices should be respected sublime. Should be given praise for what is wrong you did not keep to their konrtibutin N-Cl.Ishte fight this exactly the people who joined their idalin for a free. Was this people was applauded for good work. Yeah this people (not the band Sali) overthrew the old system for the Europeans to open Albania perspective. Znj.Vorpsi you after you deleted the traitor Xhofit Sali people you do not understand the difference of the past socmes., You came to power when the people were frustrated saladetuin by the flow of political events R.Alise. Worldwide when we overturn occur Such gains are not the same political and social class. Have you ever killed kjo.Merre mind why it happened now and not respond allakatni Albanians lie again. people want to topple the pillars of the old. they do away with the intellectual politician Saliu thy sold by the company. saladetuin sibilities people that fate trailer to take generations to think differently from you in the chest Saliu.Brezat saladetuin not waving patriotism betrayal. saw who took to the stage has punished you gave socjalistve power again. But the worst (sold out to foreign agents) increase in Diktaorit Bay and in due course gave the bad seed to flourish at the foot of Hoxha. Hoxha was the Albanian communist died. Dictator as all commanders of World War II that left a heroic act for their Populations. Yeah you got palm thy Sala in democracy what the people left behind. Are the equivalent of 97 events, the attack on the Prime Minister saladetuin with coffins ball incident, January 21 and the destruction of the economy, with those who did Hoxha. With these figures valued game rules no libel intrigue and deceit as to be habit. Lerjani people not to put the stamp of you who prattled like magpies to sow dissention during holidays.
Former Mallard persecution of Berisha, with spies folder, you have to spy on other detainees, to apologize to colleague held spying Sali Berisha and political power. The liberated saladetuin Albania

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