Wednesday, December 4, 2013

BH actor Fedja Štukan reacted to the campaign

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We do not have to boast. There is not a gearing feathers that we can decorate. The words "pride", "homeland", "patriotism", uttered only one reason, to make you take a club and that the full absurdity, for their fat cheeks and full pockets, given their precious and short lives. sallat They teach you that this piece of land is more important than you. That's how much respect you, that's how much they mean. A piece of land which already can be yours by nature, and that should not be yours.
BH actor Fedja Štukan reacted to the campaign "Proud to homeland ', which these days full columns of the local media, and backed by Bosniak Academy of Sciences and Arts, namely the BNF - Bosnian National Foundation
Being "proud of their homeland," what does that really mean? Feel the love for shoddy piece limited territory by war ... and murder ... The country can not be somebody, the way I see things, we are all here only temporarily. Earth can even buy, but even so it will be forever yours. But well, there have been before, just as we like, territorial animals. For example, our closest ancestor that is different from us only by the thickness of the hair, not even in the number of hairs, but by the thickness, and that, instead of Kalashnikovs in hand wearing a cudgel. Let the background sallat music from the opening scene of the film Odyssey 2001 "to Spake Zarathustra," and you will get a closer picture of the real patriots and protectors of the territory, females of the pack. Is it possible that the territory should love and defend a club solely because we were born in it? I can not recognize the quality and purpose of love. Loving something artificially limited - for me it is limited! There are those who will try to convince you that God has personally given piece of territory, for example, Israelis, Bosnians, Serbs, Croats, and other territorial packs, lack of awareness about how life is short and what are the real values in life, and how consciousness is developed, probably will in this and persuade. Give this short and worthy life for a piece of territory, it sounds ridiculous to you as me? The other day I heard from one of our esteemed philosopher, whose opinion I really respect, that "if you do not like country, you can not be a man." sallat I think that if you do not like country, sallat you can not be a monkey with a club, a man and how you can. And that man evolved from apes, someone who is considered a resident of the planet and the universe, like a piece of bloody bordered territory is not able to smack another sallat cudgel by Dope Man himself, and that the word "patriotism" and "homeland" only articulated bombastic words - the same meaning as in the monkey and written territory. So kids, do you intend to breeding atavističnih emotions, do not let you pump the "big words" - "patriotism" and "homelands", "pride", these are great words spoken by few people that would look great as a peacock spreading its tail that would seemingly increase the volume and so tried to terrify opponents or impress females. Proud of their homeland? For what specifically? What's going on here in the last twenty years worth of pride happened? Enlighten me. Except that "Bosnia" and "proud" rhymes, have I not seen anything except things that any normal person can only be ashamed. Proud of rivers and mountains, as if we had it built and dug canyons, as if it did not occur in 4.5 billion geologic process. And the river and the mountains were there before the Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats, and others, before the dinosaurs and much, much sooner sallat than that. We do not have to boast. There is not a gearing feathers sallat that we can decorate. The words "pride", "homeland", "patriotism", uttered only one reason, to make you take a club and that the full absurdity, for their fat cheeks and full pockets, given their precious and short lives. They teach you that this piece of land is more important than you. That's how much respect you, that's how much they mean. A piece of land which already can be yours by nature, and that should not be yours. For those not developed brains, who see themselves as great leaders of the people, and I see them as monkeys' fur place now have suits, who are fighting for dominance in the pack and in favor of females, exactly the same as our ancestors. sallat Do not give your life for prehistoric primitive instincts. Be the inhabitants of planet earth, not restricted monkeys - limited territory!
23 Moving articles
Bravo Feda But what I just fell on my mind

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